
Taekwondo School in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs


White belt is where you will be introduced to the basics of grading, which is made up of three patterns and a combination kick.

The short patterns challenge the left and right side of our brain and body, whereas long pattern will work our memory. Remember to pay attention to the stance in these patterns, as there is both a forward and back stance.

Patterns are designed to show power and strength, so all our blocks, punches, and kicks should be nice and sharp. Use your waist to help create these powerful movements.

Combination kicks will help develop our balance and coordination. Some hot tips to help with this combination is to keep your chin tucked during our axe kick, and remember to bend your knee for both front kick and turning kick. Always fully execute each kick before moving on to the next one to help maintain your balance.

Ready to move on? Check out our Yellow Belt videos, or come into our Taekwondo Classes to train with our Master Trainers.

White Belt Long Pattern

White Belt Combination Kick

White Belt Short Pattern Left Hand

White Belt Short Pattern Right Hand

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